A civil traffic infraction is a non-criminal charge that can usually be disposed of by the payment of a civil penalty. A court appearance is required when the violation involves serious bodily injury, a fatality, or leaving a child unattended in a motor vehicle.
Charges include pedestrian violations, bicycle violations, Non-moving violations such as; not wearing your seat belt, not carrying your driver’s license, registration, or insurance card, expired registration less than 6 months, or expired driver’s license less than 4 months, moving violations such as; speeding, running a red light or stop sign, careless driving, child restraint violations, or failing to maintain a single lane, and parking citations.
You have 3 basic options. The Clerk’s office must receive your option with payment, when applicable, within 30 calendar days of the date the officer issued the citation. Once you choose an option, you cannot change your mind. Please click on the option below for more information:
If you choose to pay the civil penalty, you are admitting guilt and D.H.S.M.V. will assess points on your driving record for moving violations. For Driver License, Registration, or Insurance violations, proof of compliance is also required. See Driver’s License, Registration, and Insurance Citations for more information on these violations. The Clerk’s office must receive payment and proof within 30 calendar days of the date the officer issued the citation.
You may make payment in person, by mail, online at https://www.myfloridacounty.com/, or by phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through our IVR service at (855) 984-1187 or via a live representative Monday - Friday, 9 AM - 8 PM ET, at (844) 577-5649. If paying by mail, please remember that the Clerk’s office must receive the payment within 30 calendar days of the date the officer issued the citation. We are not responsible for lost or delayed mail. Enclose a copy of the citation and the Traffic School Affidavit with payment so that we can match the payment to the correct case file.
Payment can be made with checks or money orders drawn on a United States Bank.
You may elect defensive driving school on any non-mandatory case that has points assessed. These are typically your moving violations such as, speeding, running a red light, fail to maintain a single lane, child restraint.
If you elect the defensive driving school option, no judication is withheld, you must pay the discounted amount of the citation and DHSMV will not assess points against your driving record.
You are eligible to elect the defensive driving school once every 12 months and five times in your lifetime.
To elect this option, you must fill out the Traffic School Affidavit Form and pay the fine amount within 30 calendar days of the date the officer issued the citation. The forms are available from the officer at the time they issue the citation, or from the Clerk’s office.
If you lost your form, click here to print a new one in English or Spanish
You must attend a defensive driving course in the State of Florida. Courses offered in other states are not acceptable.
Once you have completed the school, you must return the school completion certificate to the Clerk’s office within 90 days from the date you paid the school election fine.
It is your responsibility to enroll in a traffic school. For information concerning traffic school enrollment, locations, and fees, please contact a traffic school. Traffic schools are located in your local yellow pages under Driving Instruction or online. Some driving school brochures are available in the Traffic Division lobby.
You can enter a written plea of not guilty and request a court hearing. The Clerk’s office must receive your request in writing within 30 calendar days of the date the officer issued the citation.
If you appear in court, you waive your right to paying the civil penalty amount. The Judge can fine you up to $1,000.00 in some cases. The Judge can also order you to attend driver improvement school and/or pay a penalty. If you fail to attend a requested hearing, it will result in a driver’s license suspension.
If it is impossible or impractical for you to appear in court in person, you can elect a court hearing by mail. The Clerk’s office will give you an Affidavit of Defense to complete. This form must be notarized. The Judge will read the affidavit in the courtroom. The officer and any witnesses will testify and the Judge will render a verdict. The Clerk’s office will notify you by mail of the disposition of your citation.
If you fail to appear for your court hearing, the Judge can hear your case without you being present. The Clerk’s office will notify you of the Judge’s decision.
If the officer charged you with failure to carry or display a valid driver’s license, registration or license tag, and you have proof that it was valid at the time the officer issued the citation, you may send a photocopy of your valid document, a $15.00 to $18.00 dismissal fee and the yellow copy of your citation to the Clerk’s Office. Clerk’s Office personnel will dismiss the charge.
IN ORDER TO ELECT THIS OPTION, YOU MUST ALSO COMPLETE THE “AFFIDAVIT / PLEA” FORM (PROOF OF VALID DRIVER’S LICENSE, REGISTRATION OR INSURANCE). This form is available on our website under “Forms”. Sign, notarize and return the form with your dismissal fee and copy of citation.
If the officer charged you with failure to carry valid insurance, and you have proof that it was valid at the time the officer issued the citation, you may send a photocopy of your valid document, a $18.00 dismissal fee and the yellow copy of your citation to the Clerk’s Office. Clerk’s Office personnel will dismiss the charge.
IN ORDER TO ELECT THIS OPTION, YOU MUST ALSO COMPLETE THE “AFFIDAVIT / PLEA” FORM (PROOF OF VALID DRIVER’S LICENSE, REGISTRATION OR INSURANCE). This form is available on our website under “Forms”. Sign, notarize and return the form with your dismissal fee and copy of citation.
If you received a citation for improper or unsafe equipment, under Florida Statute 316.610, you have the opportunity to elect a reduced fine payment.
In order to obtain this option you must have a law enforcement agency inspect the vehicle and sign the back of the yellow copy of the citation. The law enforcement agency must sign the citation within 30 calendar days of the date they issued the citation. The agency will charge you an inspection fee.
Bring or mail the signed yellow citation with a reduced payment of $96.00 to the Clerk’s office within 30 calendar days of receiving the citation.
If you choose not to have the equipment repaired, you must pay the regular fine amount.
If you submit proof that you had a valid handicapped parking permit at the time the officer issued the ticket, we will dismiss your case for a fee. You must sign an Affidavit (disabled parking permit violation) at the Clerk’s office.
The following charges require a mandatory court hearing:
These “penalty amounts” can and often do change as a result of the Florida Legislature enactment of laws. If you want to know the exact amount that you owe on a citation, contact the Traffic Department or visit the service counter at one of our office locations.
The officer who wrote and served you with your citation usually indicates a fine amount on the back of the citation. Occasionally, the officer might write the wrong fine amount. This error is not grounds to have the citation dismissed or the correct fine amount altered. Should this error occur, you will be charged the amount mandated by current law.
It is your right to contest the citation in court before a judge. Should you choose to exercise this right, the Court will determine the fine and fee amounts, which could be up to $1000.00.
If you want to elect Defensive Driving School, see the school election schedule amounts.
Construction/School Zones
You will be assessed an additional $7.00 clerk’s fee if you sign your affidavit in front of a deputy clerk.
If you need an extension to pay your fine, provide proof, elect school, or complete school, you must fill out a request for an extension. The request must state why you need an extension. The request must also contain your address and telephone number. Your request must be made before the original due date.
If your court date has been set the Clerk’s office does not have the authority to change the court date. If there is a problem you should contact the office of the Judge or Hearing Officer assigned to your case and/or file the appropriate “Motion”.
The D.H.S.M.V. may require you to furnish them a letter from the Clerk’s office reflecting any violations or charges you have incurred or had disposed of in the last 30 days. The Clerk’s office will charge you $7.00 for this service.
500 Whitehead Street
Key West, FL 33040
FAX: 305-295-3615
3117 Overseas Highway
Marathon, FL 33050
FAX: 305-289-1745
88770 Overseas Highway
Ste 2
Plantation Key, FL 33070
FAX: 305-852-7146
You must pay your citation in the county in which you received it. Some counties have Out of County Defensive Driving School Affidavits. You can fill them out and send them to the correct county. You may attend a school in another county. However, you must first take care of the citation in the county that issued the citation.
For your convenience, the Clerk’s office has several branch locations. You can make payment in person at one of the satellite locations.
500 Whitehead Street
Key West, FL 33040
FAX: 305-295-3615
3117 Overseas Highway
Marathon, FL 33050
FAX: 305-289-1745
88770 Overseas Highway
Ste 2
Plantation Key, FL 33070
FAX: 305-852-7146
If you have changed your address and you have a pending case, it is imperative that you notify the court, in writing, of your new address so that you receive all future notices and correspondence.
Please include the following information in your correspondence:
You may pay with cash, money order, or a personal check drawn on a United States bank.
The Clerk’s office must receive payment within 30 calendar days from the date the officer issues the citation.
If the Clerk’s office does not receive payment within 30 calendar days or your completion certificate within 90 days from the payment date, we will notify D.H.S.M.V. of your failure to pay. D.H.S.M.V. will begin the process of suspending your driving privilege.
The Clerk’s office will not suspend your driving privilege for failing to pay a parking ticket. However, the Tax Collectors Office may not let you renew your registration if you have certain outstanding parking tickets.
No. Monroe County can only accept payments on citations issued in Monroe County.
No. You must pay your city parking ticket at Key West City Hall, located at 1500 White Street, Key West, Florida
Yes. You can come to any Monroe County Courthouse, or any satellite office, and obtain an Out of County Affidavit. The charge for the affidavit is $7.00.
No. The citation will show on your full driving record, but will show adjudication withheld. This means no points will be assessed. The citation will not show on your 3 year driving record.
No. Once you pay your citation, you have made your one election for that violation. If you wish to attend school, you must make that election at the time you pay the citation.
It is up to the individual insurance company as to whether or not going to school will keep your rates down. It is best to contact your insurance company if you are unsure.
To find a list of Defensive Driving Schools, look in your local yellow pages under Driving Instruction. Some school brochures are also available in the Clerk’s office lobby.
No. You must send your completion certificate to the Clerk’s office. We must receive the completion certificate within 90 days of the date you elected driving school.
For your convenience, the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicle has provided information regarding appropriate driver improvement courses and approved schools on their website.